

The Loving Space at Beauty in Essence

This listening service is available for anyone seeking alignment in their life. Lack of alignment can manifest in many ways: unhappy life, sleep issues, aches and pains, broken families, broken friendships, broken dreams, a sense of being stuck, joylessness, early ageing and so forth.

I have always been a seeker of truth. Seeking truth has guided me through many health issues and traumas, and has led me to find meditation. Over the years it has become clearer that the essence of truth is a universal one, and is available on many levels. Each of us has access to a certain level of truth, which is also called the truth of the heart. It is not that we do not have it, it is that we do not know how to access it. This lack of knowing creates misalignment in our lives, and is the source of many problems.

I offer a listening space to you, a space of total presence and curiosity towards your being. In this powerful and aligned space your inner being can find voice and alignment. This is a space for healing and insight.

I have been receiving mentoring for a while  from my beloved mentor, Rachel Singleton. Having been held in a space of gentle and lovingly powerful presence, I have had the opportunity to meet many of my long-standing fears and hesitations with tenderness, wisdom and love. Due to this powerful listening space I have gained strength to listen deeper within my being, and welcome my everyday life with greater courage and understanding.

Through The Loving Space I invite you on a similar journey, so that you too can access the riches of solutions in your own life and being.

Sessions are available in-person or online.


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Discovery call ⬇️


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